Monthly Archives: August 2021

Megacities and Urban Dystopia – Our Future is Planned

A glimpse into the future at what life will be like in large cities as foreseen by the US military. This video is used at the Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations University and was obtained by Intercept via the Freedom of Information Act. It depicts the consequences of the UN’s Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, which call for forcing almost all of humanity out of rural areas and into urban centers where they can be more easily monitored and controlled. The bait for this program is the vision of protecting and restoring the natural environment, but the reality is the horror depicted in this video. The narration accurately explains the chaos and human misery that lies ahead, but it is presented in a matter-of-fact tone to explain why the future must be dominated by a powerful and resourceful military presence. If we do not stop the UN agenda soon, this video shows you what your life will be like under urban martial law – and you will not be happy about it. 2017 – Source: The Intercept –

Covid 19 was Patented BEFORE the Pandemic Began


Four Stages of a Communist Takeover

This is a brave broadcaster . . . .

World Renowned Physician and Expert on COVID Treatment Says Vaccines are Bioterrorism

Peter McCullough, MD, is Professor of Medicine and Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University. He also teaches at Texas A&M University. He is one of the most widely cited physicians in the world. He is interviewed Reiner Fuellmich, a German attorney who is gathering evidence in preparation of a lawsuit against those who have used their positions of authority to lie about the COVID pandemic for their personal gain and to further other hidden agendas. Dr. McCullough says that, by the end of the first six months of mass inoculations in 2021, the vaccine death rate had climbed to 50,000, which is ten times higher than the published number – and that does not include the far greater number of fatalities expected from long-term reactions in the months ahead. He says the illness called COVID-19 is portrayed as much worse than it really is and poses no significant threat except to the old and those with multiple illnesses. The real threat is from the vaccines. Frightening people by relabeling the common flu as a deadly pandemic and then using that fear to stampede them to accept a vaccine that causes infertility and early death is nothing less than population reduction by bioterrorism. 2021 June 27 –

Source: Algora Blog

Doctor Says the C-19 Hoax Could be America’s Last Hurrah

Sharing this. . . .

Mark warned us long ago. You’ve heard of he Great Reset? You are experiencing it right now.

Sherry Tennpenny, MD, has spent most of her medical career sounding the alarm about the health hazards of vaccines and the politicization of pandemic science. This program is a train load of information on just about every aspect of these topics. Here is a sampling:
● Why COVID-19 is a “nothingburger virus”.
● Why tests for coronavirus have no validity.
● Why COVID-19 is the same playbook used for previous viruses.
● Why the polio vaccine caused polio instead of preventing it.
● Why vaccines being developed could be more deadly than the virus.
● Why drug-company profits are guaranteed by the government.
● Why vaccines contain ingredients that reduce male fertility.
● Why lockdown is a weapon of war against life and liberty.
● Why “we all have to stand up and say, not only no, but hell no!”


COVID 19 and the Great Reset

I have refrained from commenting on the what we have all experienced over the last 18 months. Mark Scott predicted many aspects of what are, and what we area about, to go through. One guest that Mark had on his program a few times was the author of “The Creature from Jekyll Island”, G. Edward Griffin.

I share the following message Ed Griffin and his Red Pill University
